
Roller Shutter窗簾控制器


Roller Shutter FGR-221

Product Overview:
Radio controlled module, designed to work with electric motors in blinds, rollers, canopies and such. Fibaro Blind/Roller Shutter can steer connected device either through radio waves or through the wall switch, connected directly to it. Equipped with unique feature of monitoring

current Roller/Blind position.


Product Highlights:

? Controlled through other Fibaro devices or any Z-Wave controller,
? Microprocessor controlled,
? Our Blind/Roller Shutter is the smallest device of the type in the World!


Technical Data:
? Power Source 110V - 230V +/-10% 50/60Hz,
? Output power up to 1kW,
? Conforms to UE requlations:EN55022 (radio wave interference), EN61000-6 (safety of use),
? Overheating protection: safety off at 105oC,
? Ambient temperature: 10oC - 40oC,
? To be mounted in standard wall switch boxes ? ≥50mm,
? Radio protocol: Z-Wave,
? Radio Frequency 868,4 MHz EU; 908,4 MHz US; 921,4 MHz ANZ; 869,2 MHz RU,
? Antenna range: up to ca. 50 meters outdoor, or up to 30 meters inside(depends on building structure),
? Outside dimmensions (L x W x H) 42mm x 36mm x 15mm.
