
RGBW controller模塊


RGBW Controller FGRGBWM-441

Product Overview:

Universal, Z-Wave compatible RGB / RGBW controller. Fibaro RGBW Controller may control LED strips, RGB / RGBW LEDs and 12V - 24V  powered light sources. In addition the device supports up to four, 0V - 10V analogue sensors, such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, wind sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors etc. All IN and OUT terminals may be user configured for LED control or 0V- 10V signal readouts. May be used as a dimmer with Halogen lamps.


Product Highlights:
? Current and historical power consumption measuring
? Controlled through other Fibaro devices or any Z-Wave controller,
? Microprocessor controlled,
? Most advanced device of this type in the World.



Technical Data:
? Power source: 12V DC / 24V DC,
? Rated output power: combined 12A (sum of all connected outputs),
? Max load (e.g. Halogen lamps)
at 12V - 144W combined,
at 24V - 288W combined.
? Power consumption: < 0,3W,
? Radio frequency: 868,4 MHz EU; 908,4 MHz US; 921,4 MHz ANZ; 869,2 MHz RU,
? Antenna range: up to ca. 50 meters outdoor, or up to 30 meters inside
(depends on building structure),
? Outside dimmensions (L x W x H) 42mm x 36mm x 15mm.
